Inside this Issue:
-Legislative Updates
- Lab Week Ideas
-PAC Updates
-Leadership Academy
Inside this Issue:
- Renaming the Medical Technologist
-STOP Lab Cuts
-Recent/Upcoming Events
This issue is full of exciting updates and important information, topics include:
- Spring meeting recap/Awards
-Licensure Survey
-PAC Update
-Region VIII Leadership Academy
Winter 2022
This issue is packed with information to include:
What's In a Name - President Holly Weinberg's message
Call for Nominations for ASCLS-MT positions
Save the Date - ASCLS-MT Spring Meeting May 5 - 7 in Great Falls
Poster Presentation by ASC:S-MT Treasurer Tori Rensink
Spotlight on Safety
PAC Updates
and so much more......
Winter 2022
This issue is packed with information to include:
What's In a Name - President Holly Weinberg's message
Call for Nominations for ASCLS-MT positions
Save the Date - ASCLS-MT Spring Meeting May 5 - 7 in Great Falls
Poster Presentation by ASCLS-MT Treasurer Tori Rensink
Spotlight on Safety
PAC Updates
and so much more......
Summer 2021
In this issue:
ASCLS-MT President's Message
Lifetime Achievement Award Winner
Legislative Days
IMSS and Region VIII Leadership Academy
Information about proposed change to the ASCLS Board of Directors
Spotlight on Laboratory Safety
and so much more.....
Spring 2021
In this issue:
Spring Meeting Award Winners
Membership Awards
Spotlight on Laboratory Safety
and so much more.....
Winter 2021
This issue is packed with information, but some of the highlights include:
The Power of Profession by Cara Bushmaker
2020 AMTF Scholarship winner, Carli Dyba
Meet the 2020-2021 Montana MLS Class
National Scholarship and Awards information
Call for Nominations for ASCLS-MT Offices
COVID-19 Incident Command Experiences by Abbey Wichman
In this issue:
President Wichman's Message
ASCLS-MT Strategic Plan
Spotlight on Lab Safety
Meet 2020-21 MMLS Class members
In this issue:
ASCLS-MT 2019-2020 In Review
Award Winners
Lab Managers Respond to COVID-19 Questions
The Hunt for a Vaccine Starts in Montana
Inside this issue:
LAB Act and the importance of membership
Laboratory Safety section
Awards and Scholarships announcement
Nominations for ASCLS-MT offices are open
In this issue:
President Bushmaker's message
Scholarship opportunities
Tiffany Ashworth's Student Poster
Membership Information
Michele Adams-Gov't Affairs Update
In this issue:
2019 Awards
Abstract on MERS-CoV
Carbapenem Resistance - MT Public Health Lab
Intermountain States Seminar 2019
Outgoing President Message - Tori Rensink
In this issue:
Spotlight on the Treasurer's Position-Anne Weber
Candidates for ASCLS-MT Office
President's Message - Tori Rensink
Klebsiella pneumoniae technical article-RML
Membership information

In this issue:
ASCLS-MT 2018 Strategic Plan
Region VIII Updates
ARC Antigen Exclusion Article
ASCLS-MT 2018 Awards

In this issue:
What is a Leader?
Autoantibodies… and What Lies Beneath
ASCLS-MT 2018 Spring Meeting
Montana Medical Laboratory Science Program
Region VIII Student Forum Leaders
In this issue:
President's message
Carbapenem Resistance from the MTPHL
New method for ASCLS volunteer opportunities
Save the date for ASCLS-MT Spring Meeting
ASCLS legislative update: PAMA and the CLFS
In this issue:
Spring Meeting Award Winners
ASCLS-MT Newly Elected Officers
ASCLS-MT Member Paper of the Year
In this issue:
Spring Meeting Information
Meet the MLS Students
What's New in Region VIII
In this issue:
Region VIII Leadership Academy
What's New in Region VIII
2016 ASCLS Annual Meeting Recap
In this issue:
ASCLS-MT Award Winners
Election Results
Legislative Days Report